Marie McNair, MSP for Clydebank and Milngavie, welcomed volunteers from Clydebank Asbestos Group to the Scottish Parliament in recognition of their efforts as part of Volunteer’s Week. 10 members of the group were in Parliament on Wednesday June 7th to recognise all they do for people and their families who have been victims of asbestos related illnesses. As part of the day’s activities, the volunteers got a tour of parliament, including the opportunity to visit the debating chamber and have lunch in the Garden Lobby. Clydebank Asbestos Group is a volunteer organisation that was set up in 1992 to help provide support, advice, and information for victims of asbestos and their families. They perform a vital service supporting people in Clydebank and beyond. Ms McNair was pleased to welcome them to the Scottish Parliament and celebrate their work as part of volunteer’s week. Commenting, Ms McNair said: “The contribution of volunteers is often unseen, but the work they do has never been more important, so it is important we take the time to celebrate their efforts. “Clydebank Asbestos Group perform a vital service supporting the victims of asbestos related illnesses, and I am well aware of how appreciative the Clydebank community are of their work. “It was a pleasure to welcome members of the group to the Scottish Parliament and I look forward to joining them again as they come through to support my Members Debate on Mesothelioma on June 29th.“ Rachael Gallagher, Co-ordinator of Clydebank Asbestos Group: “It was great to come along to the Scottish Parliament as part of Volunteer Week 2023. “Clydebank Asbestos Group wouldn’t be able to support our members without the vital contribution of volunteers, so it was wonderful for them to get the recognition they deserve. “We look forward to returning to the Scottish Parliament at the end of June to support Marie McNair MSP’s Members Debate on Mesothelioma.”